The ‘Reducing Rural Cancer Disparities Together’ project is a collaboration between the University of Wisconsin-Extension (UWEX) and the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC).
The project builds on Cancer Clear & Simple (CC&S), a successful health education program piloted by UWCCC’s Cancer Health Disparities Initiative in three rural south central counties. CC&S is a set of cancer educational materials that includes a curriculum, Facilitator Guide and educational handouts. All CC&S materials incorporate health literacy principles and are designed to build knowledge and improve health-related decision-making.
The new grant-funded effort will develop additional training tools and employ a “train-the-facilitators” format targeting UWEX county Family Living Educators and their community partners. Key to this effort is taking CC&S to a statewide scale by focusing on the 33 rural counties with higher cancer incidence and morbidity than the state average.
This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
CC&S is also available in an African American adaptation and Latino adaptation.